A letter to First Responders

A letter to First Responders

Jan 21

When they teach you how to call 911 in grade school, they tell you everything you need to do: state your name, address, the whole nine yards. You don't really think anything of it. It's just something you learn and stick it in the back of your head until you needed it.

Until that one fateful day where your life changes forever, and you need help.

Your first call is a first responder. Dispatchers, Firefighters, Police Officers, Paramedics, and EMTs are our superheroes. When we call, they are there, and their jobs are far from easy. They work long crazy hours around the clock and rush to scenes helping complete strangers without thinking twice.

In situations where first responders are called, we forget that they are taking time away from their families to help yours. When they go out on a call, they witness crazed situations and are just expected to go home at the end of the day and be okay. We want you to know that without you, the world we live in would not be the same.

It takes a special kind of person to care for others when they don't have to. These people rise to the call of duty every time they walk through the doors at work. Some even have their lives taken to save someone else. I can't even imagine what goes through someone's mind when they are headed to a call but what I do know is they don't get enough credit. It seems credit is only given when they make the save, but that's not how it should be.

So, when you see your local first responders give them a wave or thank them for their service because without them the world would be a much different place.


Rick Bennett, President BIOGONE Inc


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