Frequently Asked Questions
What are BIOGONE's Response Times like?
BIOGONE is available 24/7 to take a call. In most instances, we can be out to the property within 1 hour.
Who pays for the services?
Most homeowners, business, and auto insurance companies cover the cost of biohazard cleanup. If the victim of a crime has no insurance the State victims compensation fund may pay for some or all of the cleanup services (crime-related). There are no “free” entities that will clean up any of these scenes. You can contact us for a free quote.
How much does BIOGONE's services cost?
In most cases we will bill your insurance company directly we do not require advance payment from you. If you are privately paying, we will gladly provide you with a free estimate.
Can I have an employee of my business clean a biohazard scene?
Federal regulation states that no employee can be placed in a position to be exposed to blood spills without first:
Receiving bloodline pathogen training
Having written BBP exposure control plan
Having been provided personal protective equipment
Having been offered the Hepatitis B vaccine and exposure evaluation and followup
Being provided with a method to remove and properly store the bio-hazardous waste in a properly marked container for disposal.
Will my neighbors and friends know why BIOGONE is at my house?
No, our services are confidential. To ensure your privacy, our staff responds in discrete vehicles. Your neighbors will think we are simply remodeling your home.
What if it's a car that needs cleaning?
Not a problem! We have several options for cleaning a vehicle. We can come to you and do it onsite (at your property or business), or we can take care of the cleaning at our home office. If your car is unable to drive, we can help get it moved as part of our service.