How to Get Rid of Mouse Droppings

When it comes to owning a home or living somewhere long term, chances are you will encounter some kind of rodent. Whether it's moles in the yard or mice in your house, these unwanted guests can be hard to get rid of. It can be even more difficult to repair any damage they cause.

Below is a list of the top methods of restoring hygiene after a severe mice infestation, including the dos and the don’ts in the proper clean-up of mouse poop.

Don’t overreact 

The presence of mouse poop inside your house is unsightly but you should restrain yourself. For most people, their first reaction would be to sweep the droppings away using a broom. However, doing so can expose you to health dangers! 

Don’t use a vacuum cleaner 

When trying to get rid of the mess, you may be tempted to break out the vacuum cleaner. If the poop contains any disease-causing agents, vacuuming them will only blow them around in powder form, allowing for easy inhalation and can consequently lead to illnesses. 

Don’t handle the mice droppings using bare hands 

Always ensure that you put on your rubber or latex gloves and wash your hands after, regardless of skin contact.

Do air out the area before cleaning 

Open all the windows prior to starting to allow free air circulation, minimizing the chances of inhaling the disease-causing microorganisms. 

Do collect and dispose of all the droppings in a sealed bag 

Be sure to use a sealable bag (such as a ziplock bag) and dispose of them in a covered trash can.

Your safety and well-being, as well as that of others in your home including children and pets, is vital. To keep everyone protected, you should ensure that you follow these tips to the letter to avoid inhaling harmful agents that can make you seriously ill.


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